Obama gives us some fibs well no lies about Universal Health Care.
And just some generic news About Obama the American Emperor.
How do you spell hypocrite? Wow! Obama wants to cut the deficit! Honest! He is not lying! Honest! (well fingers crossed)
Wow even socialists dislike Obama for his Bush like policies.
Who says bribes are illegal? Opps! They are not bribes they are called campaign contributions! Bribes, campaign contributions who cares what you call them it’s payback time!
Obama attempts to blacklist Fox News
The people who protect the American Emperor - the Secret Service
237 members of Congress are millionaires
Obama shovels the BS in the State of the Union Speech
Fly near the President's home get show down?
Billboard paints Obama as a gay gangster? I don't know or care about the gay part, but Obama is certainly a gangster.
Check out these articles about the 2012 Presidential elections.
If you are tired of having an American Emperor maybe you should vote for Ron Paul
In IE the left and right columns are not displayed correctly.
The columns are empty execpt for a background image of Emperor Obama. The image of Emperor Obama does not display correctly.